Annual Catholic Appeal

February 8th, 2023

Dear Family:


By virtue of our baptism, all of us are Living Our Faith in various locations and settings. We share this with our Lord Jesus Christ who called each one of us. By our life of prayers and sacrifices, we proclaim that the Kingdom of God is present among us as Jesus did in his time. Despite remaining illness, our mission to proclaim the Good News of God’s love to the world continues to be the hallmark of our mission.


For us as a Church to do it well, we rely on the financial support of one another. Thus, each year the Diocese of San Diego requests every Catholic Church to participate in the Capital Campaign for the mission of the Church. This weekend, our parish will conduct the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) – Living Our Faith. This is one way we, as a parish family, can contribute to the mission of our local Church.


Ongoing support for the Annual Catholic Appeal has enabled the Diocese of San Diego to serve literally hundreds of thousands of people over the years. Please know that your donation is used to help Catholic Charities, Marriage & Family Life, Priestly & Religious Vocations, Catholic Schools, Youth & Young Adults and Faith Formation.


Our parish assessment for this year is to reach $83,000. Your participation will help the Church to flourish in our future generations. Any collected over this amount will return to our parish for supporting ministries.


For your convenience, I have enclosed a pledge envelope. Please complete it in the spirit of the many blessings God has bestowed upon you. I encourage you to consider the suggested gift amounts. For peace of mind, you may give over a period of 12 months.


Please return your completed envelope and drop it in the collection basket at Mass or return it to the parish office anytime. Thank you for your gift to the diocese and may God and our Mother Mary continue blessing you in your life.


Sincerely yours in Christ,

Rev. Michael Pham


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