Mass Intentions

Mass and Special Intentions

Requests may be submitted during office hours from 9 a.m. to noon, and 1 to 6 p.m. No requests will be accepted over the phone nor online.


The teaching of the Church says that Mass may be offered for the living and the dead, for sins, punishments, satisfactions, and other necessities. Offering a Mass for someone, especially someone who has passed away, is a way to honor the memory of the dead, to pray for them, and to stay in communion with them at the Eucharistic celebration. Also, masses can be offered for the living for such as birthdays, thanksgivings, wedding anniversaries, and any other special occasion.


Parish guidelines for requesting Mass intentions are as follows:

  1. The mass intentions calendar opens two times per year for the next 6-month period. On the first Monday of December, the mass intentions open for the January through June period. On the first Monday of June, the mass intentions open for the July through December period.
  2. There is only 1 intention per mass – a mass intention can be for one person living or dead, for a husband and wife, for a brother and sister, or for a family last name (e.g. for the Smith Family).
  3. Each person can request up to 5 mass intentions within the 6 month period.
  4. Only one mass is allowed to be offered per person, per week.
  5. Mass intentions are scheduled at the parish office and are accepted on a first come, first served basis.
  6. The intention may be mentioned at the opening of the mass and will be included in the Prayers of the Faithful.
  7. The suggested minimum offering is $10.
  8. Please do not call the office to check available dates nor make a reservation.
  9. If the intention request must be rescheduled due to unforeseen parish or diocesan needs, the family will be contacted as early as possible to make adjustments.


Special Intentions:

There is another option for special intentions to be included during parish masses, especially if a specific date or mass is not available. Names for the intention are listed in the weekly bulletin among special intentions. These will be acknowledged collectively, though not individually, in the Prayers of the Faithful at each mass during the week, such as “Let us prayers for the those with special intentions as listed in the bulletin.”


There is no limit to the number of special intentions that will be accepted/listed per week. Like mass intentions, requests are submitted at the office, with similar guidelines.

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