The Church Needs You
Let Us Journey Together Towards Renewal
Earlier this year, our parish held small-group sessions to listen to our faithful’s experiences in the Church, in a process called a synod. The diocese has released a summary of the themes that emerged from those 1,100 sessions.
The summary, available in English and Spanish, was published in The Southern Cross and is available on the webpage
The diocese will offer a second opportunity this fall for our members to be heard, this time via a survey. It’s particularly important for those who did not participate in the group sessions.
If you have not already done so, please sign up to receive the survey via our parish’s Flocknote by texting GOODSHEPHERD to 84576 or you can join our FlockNote.
Your participation in this consultation is critical. The insights we gather will be used to respond to the needs of the faithful at all levels of our Church.
Synod reports are available for download:
Synod Survey Summary: