October 31th, 2021
By Michael Nguyen
The Halloween season brings to mind costumes and candies. When I was a kid, I always begged my mom to let me dress up as my favorite superhero. My favorite was the Green Power Ranger (the original Green Ranger, Tommy). The favorite superheroes of today are from the latest Mar-vel movies such as Iron Man, Black Panther, Shang Chi, Spider Man, Captain America, or Captain Marvel. There are so many to choose from, but what is it about these characters that draw us to them? Is it their cool gadgets? Is it because they get to have a secret double life? Is it because they have cool superpowers?
I believe that it is something much deeper.
Deep down we all want to see justice in the world.
Whether we enjoy seeing the superheroes fight back an invading alien invasion or protecting innocent civilians from the clutches of an evil mastermind trying to brainwash the world, we seek justice and we seek good overcoming evil. Which is why we love to dress up as our favorite superhero on Halloween. We ourselves want to be like our favorite superhero and bring good to the world.
But how can we bring good to the world?
Bringing good to the world is a big task that can be overwhelming to us. The world is such a huge place, and we are just one person. But how do we bring good to our part in the world? If all of us work to bring good to our corner of the world, all the world will be a better place. How can we do this? In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus answers this question with very simple instructions.
1 – The Lord our God is Lord alone.
2 – You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Love God and love you neighbor. There is not group of people who practiced this more than the saints. Saint Mother Teresa set an excellent example by leading a life dedicated to helping her community. Saint Maximilian Kobe gave his life so that a family would not become fatherless. While superheroes such as Iron Man and Captain America are works of fiction, these Saints are real people. This Halloween I challenge us all to model our lives like the Saints to love God and our neighbor so that we too can become real life superheroes year around.