July 21st, 2021
By Glenn Valois
The long-awaited Black Widow succeeds on several levels and is a fantastic work of pure, cinematic entertainment. The young adult group YAM watched it together last Thursday. From the reflection we shared after the film, I offer this movie review.
Black Widow finally gets her shot in the first post-lockdown MCU movie. This movie explores the origin of Black Widow. . . In the past ten years we have been given clips of her past, but it has never really been fully explained.
Marvel movies in general, include the journey of redemption as an important part in connecting with hero. The character of Black Widow has had an ever-increasing popularity with the fans. She has been the only female Avenger that is a primary character. I think a lot this has come from an incredible actor and good writing in response the performance of the actor.
The redemption of Black Widow is at the heart of her popularity. She develops an inner beauty through developing a conscience and strength that matches her outside beauty. Never more clearly seen as she lays down her life for the life of ½ the universe. How does this movie add to the strength, beauty and courage of this character?
It was not her incredible fighting skills. It was not her ability to manipulate people. It was not her assignation training. Black Widow grew in love. Her pseudo mother asked bluntly: “How did you not lose your heart.” The redemption storyline changed from being earned (blotting out the red in her ledger) through doing good deeds to balance out her past evils. She does good because she is good. Redemption is a relationship with God that starts now. It rooted in the fundamental truth: God can redeem anything, even evil. Our redemption grows when we grow. This fact will carry in the Black Widow to make the ultimate sacrifice: “There is no greater Love then to lay down your life for your friends”